Podcasts: What was once a niche corner of media has now exploded. Experts, professionals, and pretenders alike are sharing their voice with the world via the podcast in every topic imaginable, and the field of career building and job seeking is no exception.
With so many to choose from, where do you start? We have put together a list of five of our favorite podcasts on the job search, improving your odds, getting hired, and turning a position into an enjoyable, long-lasting career.
Find Your Dream Job
Find Your Dream Job episodes contain a wealth of useful content from a wide range of professionals on perfecting your job searching, résumé writing, interviewing, and finding fulfillment in your career. Episodes range from technical advice on tailoring your résumé to each individual job/company to deeper philosophical questions of reinventing yourself, finding purpose, and setting career and life goals.
Episodes are posted weekly and average about 30 minutes in length – perfect for your commute or listening at lunchtime. For the best experience, we recommend checking out all they have to offer on their website or on your preferred podcast app and picking the most relevant episodes to your situation (recent graduates vs. career-changers, for example, will find value in different episodes).
Mac’s List
Apple Podcasts
Career Warrior Podcast
From résumé gurus Let’s Eat, Grandma, the Career Warrior Podcast is another excellent job search resource with detailed information on help tailoring and polishing your résumé, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, and other career and interview advice.
Host (and founder and CEO) Chris Villanueva offers his personal expertise alongside insights from knowledgeable guests. Episodes average about a half hour with some older episodes (the discontinued Thursday posts) under 15 minutes. With over 210 episodes so far, scroll down and find what you need – and then explore the whole series.
Let’s Eat, Grandma
Apple Podcasts
Hello Monday with Jessi Hempel
Hello Monday explores larger concepts of work – where we’ve been, and where we’re going. Jessi Hempel is the Senior Editor at Large at LinkedIn’s news division, and brings quality content with high production level for anyone interested in examining their work life and exploring the prospect of making a change.
Episodes are usually around 30 minutes, and every so often, you may occasionally catch her interviewing a very recognizable name or even celebrity (Brené Brown. So hot right now).
Hello Monday
Apple Podcasts
Recruiting Hell
As soon as you hear Robb Conlon’s deep voice introducing Recruiting Hell, you’ll get why he named it that. But despite the ominous intro and his pipes that give Rod Serling a run for his money, Recruiting Hell is a positive, helpful series with great guests to navigate the pains of job searching. He looks at both sides of the coin – the job seeker and the recruiter – and provides unique insight for both parties that helps them understand the entire process.
Episodes are released weekly and run from 30 minutes up to an hour. With three seasons of quality shows since 2020, it’s easy to find the information you need.
Recruiting Hell
Apple Podcasts
No B.S. Job Search Advice Radio
If you’re looking for a quick and easy daily tip, Jeff Altman’s No B.S. podcast may be right for you. Jeff gives his insights to the job search and hiring process from four decades of job coaching. Episodes range from quick 5-minute segments on one topic to longer interviews – up to 20+ minutes. Occasionally a topic will span more than one episode.
Jeff “The Big Game Hunter” gives it to you straight, has a ton of content, and with daily advice, it’s a great resource.
The Big Game Hunter
Apple Podcasts
If you’re a job searcher who’s fed up with the hassle of scanning jobs boards and editing your résumé multiple times per week, perhaps you need a Job Search Agent. Amotec is here to help get you work without feeling lonely and frustrated. Give us a call or email us your résumé to get started today!
Check out our blog Survive Job Search Fatigue Using Lessons From Covid-19.