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Five Ways to Improve Your Company Culture

Five Ways to Improve Your Company Culture

A common hot topic for individuals on the search for their next career is company culture. Often, candidates are looking to find that work-life balance that fits into their existing schedules and commitments. As candidates grow savvier in their job search, merely saying you have a strong company culture is no longer good enough. Check out our tips for improving your organization’s company culture.


Recognize Employee and Company Accomplishments

Take time to highlight employee and company success. Not only does it show everyone at the company that their work is seen and valued, but it also can help motivate other employees. For example, you can recognize when an employee is the first of the year to meet a sales goal or complete an educational. The acknowledgment doesn’t need to break the budget either. Celebrate by posting it on internal company websites, in newsletters, or give them a reward like lunch or company gear. These small motivators can add up quickly and lead to an overall positive attitude among all employees. You should also take pride and share company accomplishments with the whole company. If your company recently received an award, share this with your employees. Have a small celebration with your staff during lunch or during a meeting. When employees feel valued and proud of the company, it shows through in their work. Taking small steps to include me acknowledgment can lead to a long-term morale boost.


Promote a Work-Life Balance

Genuinely promoting dedication to giving employees a work-life balance can help your company culture grow and attract new talent. Candidates know “work-life balance” is a buzzword every company is using so companies have to truly take steps to provide balance. People enjoy working for a company that recognizes that things happen in life and that situations come up that affect your ability to work a set schedule or in one location. When employees feel empowered to take the time they need to have a fulfilled life, they are happier at work and that happiness can lead to working better and harder. 


Collaborate with Employees

Encourage collaboration between your employees. Whether it means asking employees for improvements they want to see or having cross-department brainstorms, it is important to give everyone at the company the ability to be heard. When team members feel they have a voice, they become more invested in the success of the company.  If employees feel that their voice doesn’t matter, that can lead to a disconnect and a lack of motivation to help the company grow.


Build a Culture around Company Values

Your company values were created because they mean something to your organization and usually, leadership strives to uphold these values every day. Take pride in your mission and values by building your company culture around them. Have employees definite how they want to embody the value in their work or how the company’s values fit into their personal and professional goals. By doing so, leadership can gain insight into how employees view the company while also giving employees a chance to reflect on how their work fits into the company’s overall mission and values.



An organization that is committed to a collaborative work environment is going to have a more positive company culture. When employees have the opportunity to share their insights and concerns with the company, it allows everyone to work toward improvement. Feedback from employees, whether good or bad, is a great measuring tool to help set future goals. Often employees who voice opinions and ideas do so because they want to better the company so they can continue to be part of it. Avoiding conversations with employees or tuning out feedback will only widen a disconnect. 


Having a positive company culture is not something that is developed overnight. It often comes from long term investment in employees and an open ear to new ideas. If your company is struggling to identify your company culture, it is essential to look internally at what areas can be adjusted to make everyone, no matter the department or level, proud to work for the company.



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