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Best Interview Advice: Do’s and Don’ts

Best Interview Advice: Do’s and Don’ts

The day of your interview has finally arrived — and you want to knock it out of the park. While you’ve likely researched the company and practiced your answers to commonly asked questions, one more study item should be added to your list: the do’s and don’ts. Brushing up on these job-seeking tips will help […]

5 Difficult Interview Questions and the Secret to Answering Them

5 Difficult Interview Questions and the Secret to Answering Them

Answering interview questions can be nerve racking, but it doesn’t have to be! Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) method to help you create an easy-to-follow story with a clear conflict and resolution. During the situation stage you will provide context of the circumstances. For Task, describe your role in the situation and […]

Complete Resume Clean Up

Complete Resume Clean Up

Updating your resume can be overwhelming, especially if it has been a few years since you have looked at it. The good news is, once you get it cleaned up and updated, it makes the process of tailoring it to a specific job a lot easier. So where do you start? Start with the basics. […]

5 Ways To Make Your Resume Outstanding

5 Ways To Make Your Resume Outstanding

Applying for jobs can be stressful when competing with hundreds of other applicants. Improving your resume is one of the best ways to increase your chances of securing a job. Resumes help convey who you are not only as an applicant but also as a person. Here are some tips on how to give your […]

What are Your Greatest Strengths and Weaknesses?

What are Your Greatest Strengths and Weaknesses?

“What are your strengths and weaknesses?” Interviewers have been asking this question for decades. The answer employers are looking for has more to do with the thought process behind it, than the answer itself. Choose a strength that coincides with the role you are interviewing for If you are applying for a role as an […]

Perfect Interview Preparation

Perfect Interview Preparation

Congratulations! You have secured an interview with a potential employer, and now it is time to prepare. The process can be stressful enough but doing some careful preparation can put you in the best possible position towards a successful outcome. Here are some helpful tips to consider whether it’s a phone, virtual, or in-person meeting. […]

Quick Tips to Make the Most Out of a Short Work Week

Quick Tips To Make The Most Out Of A Short Work Week

With the holidays quickly approaching, many employees find themselves with condensed workweeks. Have you ever found that a short workweek is more difficult to navigate than a regular workweek? If you feel unproductive or find planning a short workweek is difficult, you are not alone. It can be hard knowing how to start your week; […]